Thursday, June 3, 2010

Facebook News

Facebook has been in the news a lot lately. Today, I came across some articles that I believe could be interesting to Facebook watchers.

  1. Facebook CEO, Mark Zukerberg has to date in mind to take Facebook public. Currently it earn $500 to $650 million dollars mostly from ad revenue. It's social plug-in is featured on over 200,000 Web sites.
  2. Facebook privacy concerns do not appear to be an issue with Canadians as there are over 16 million Canadian Facebook users with close to a million of them signing up in May.
  3. The organizers of the Quit Face Book Day says their campaign was a success because it convinced 30,000 users to quit Facebook and brought awareness to serious privacy concerns. Do you realize that Facebook's privacy agreement is close to 6,000 words in length. There are 50 privacy settings with 170 options.
  4. Facebook is driving up the divorce rates. This is not because spouses are finding out things about their partners. It usually because neighbour and friends are reading about the illicit affairs and then revealing the information. Remember, putting something on Facebook is like putting on the front page of the New York Times. Even though you spouse may not get the NYT deliver to the door, the neighbours might be.

    and finally  .......
  5. Former US President George W. Bush has a Facebook page. I guess he needs as many friends as he can get.

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