In a recent article in the Globe and Mail entitled "Less talk, more extra on US cellphones" claimed that, "for the first time in the U.S., the amount of data in text, e-mails, streaming video, music and other services on mobile devices in 2009 surpassed the amount of voice data in cellphone calls". I find this to be an very interested milestone as this marks the day when the cell phone transitions as a device for voice communication to one of data communication. I think this has huge implications for us as a society. The fundamental way we now communicate with a cell phone is by using data streams. One of the implications of this shift is that more people are reading cell text then talking to someone. Does that mean we need to be teaching young people how to properly text as well as properly writing?
As the number of cell providers increases in Canada, each looking for a market share, maybe they should be offering data only packages just as now they offer voice only. The smart phones are becoming more of a hand held computer rather than a voice transmission device.
This is a trend that needs to be closely monitored because this milestone may be the tipping point in the history of communications.
interesting point. i am enjoying your postings.